National Day Volunteering: Bringing NDP Celebrations to Nursing Homes & Community Hospitals

In 2014, Singapore-based social enterprise ACE Seniors put forth an ambitious goal: to create a national movement of bringing National Day celebrations to 60 nursing homes and community hospitals by 2030.
On select days in August, various locations across the island come alive with the sights and sounds of the National Day Parade. The parade is imagined as a carnival, where food and game booths of yesteryears line the halls, while familiar tunes fill the event space with echoes of nostalgia. Our senior residents, staff, and volunteers alike are also treated to various performances and live telecasts of the National Day parade.
Since our first celebration at Bright Vision Hospital in 2014, the national movement has grown from strength to strength. From a single beneficiary in 2014 to 23 in 2020, our celebrations were also graced by Members of Parliament and featured on local news publications.
In 2020, large scale celebrations were no longer a possibility due to the impact of COVID-19. However, our volunteers, event and corporate partners rosed up to the occasion, rallying together to pack and deliver over 6,400 National Day goodie bags across 23 locations.
This 2021, we are reaching out to 8,237 seniors residing across 30 nursing homes and community hospitals. Due to the uncertain circumstances caused by the pandemic, we have embarked on plans to deliver celebration packs and National Day cake to each beneficiary. We will also be introducing hybrid celebration programmes – National Day reimagined for our seniors.
To find out how you can contribute to the cause, email or call 6509 8680 / 9830 3833. You can also download our latest programme brochure below: